Projects, writings, art, and things I've saved for later
RESOURCES PAGE MOVED HERE. Pardon the mess I decided to do individual little graphics for each link which. As you can imagine. Is slightly time-consuming.
Still trying to figure out the formatting of this page, ignore how it looks rn ✌️
Uhhhhh. Still need to figure out exactly what I'm going to share but! I do a lot of stories and art surrounding apocalypses, divine horror, and deserts. Especially deserts. I live in the American Southwest which has influenced both my gender and my art.
Current Projects
Ki'deshi - Permanent Work-in-Progress
Mealworms and Junebugs - Planning Stage
why do i keep doing these things.
What I'm currently doing!
- Got a job that doesn't make me want to kill someone (yet), horse ranch time babey!!!
- Horizon Line writing
- Art fight!!!!
- Datahoarding <3
- Organizing my in-person library and figuring out how best to share information.
- Sun fraeti lore & writing.